09:00 - 17:00 | 📧 podrska@eachmoment.hr | ☎️ 0217840113



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Long lost treasures

EachMoment haven't just 'unlocked' the memories on the tape, they've also cleaned up the sound and picture, boosted the volume and the running speed is now correct. It's like stepping back in time, our dearly departed parents and other relatives - then so young - each having a turn at talking, singing at the camera. It sends warm shivers down the spine! I can't recommend highly enough. EachMoment haven't just 'unlocked' the memories on the tape, they've also cleaned up the sound and picture, boosted the volume and the running speed is now correct. It's like stepping... EachMoment haven't just 'unlocked' the memories on the tape, they've also cleaned up the sound and picture, boosted the volume and the running speed is now correct. It's like stepping back in time, our dearly departed parents and other relatives - then so young - each having a turn at talking, singing at the camera. It sends warm shivers down the spine! I can't recommend highly enough.

After trying to remember lost loved ones

After trying to remember lost loved ones voices, we found old video tapes and after searching the internet for a company to try and digitalise them we came across each moment. They managed to clean and restore and put them all on a memory stick that we can watch for ever now! I’ve loved watching them, absolutely fantastic so would highly recommended this company. After trying to remember lost loved ones voices, we found old video tapes and after searching the internet for a company to try and digitalise them we came across each... After trying to remember lost loved ones voices, we found old video tapes and after searching the internet for a company to try and digitalise them we came across each moment. They managed to clean and restore and put them all on a memory stick that we can watch for ever now! I’ve loved watching them, absolutely fantastic so would highly recommended this company.

Last night I heard my grandmother's…

Last night I heard my grandmother's voice reading a Christmas poem for the first time in over 30 years. She passed away in 1990, and after her death I found a cassette tape, mangled in a tape player. I kept it, hoping one day to find a way to restore it. EachMoment restored that tape, and this year on the day of her birthday, her great-grandchildren will hear her voice for the first time, and her children, now grandparents themselves, will hear their mother's voice again as well. There are no words that can adequately express my gratitude. Last night I heard my grandmother's voice reading a Christmas poem for the first time in over 30 years. She passed away in 1990, and after her death I found... Last night I heard my grandmother's voice reading a Christmas poem for the first time in over 30 years. She passed away in 1990, and after her death I found a cassette tape, mangled in a tape player. I kept it, hoping one day to find a way to restore it. EachMoment restored that tape, and this year on the day of her birthday, her great-grandchildren will hear her voice for the first time, and her children, now grandparents themselves, will hear their mother's voice again as well. There are no words that can adequately express my gratitude.

EachMoment rescued 30 Hi8 analogue…

EachMoment rescued 30 Hi8 analogue camcorder tapes. 45 hours of family memories. I could not plly them on my camcorder and thought I had lost them forever. Some of the tapes are over 30yrs old.The technical department has managed to extract restore and digitise nearly everything!Now all those memories are available to the whole family to share on whatsapp and stream on our TV whenever they come round! Love it. EachMoment rescued 30 Hi8 analogue camcorder tapes. 45 hours of family memories. I could not plly them on my camcorder and thought I had lost them forever. Some of the... EachMoment rescued 30 Hi8 analogue camcorder tapes. 45 hours of family memories. I could not plly them on my camcorder and thought I had lost them forever. Some of the tapes are over 30yrs old.The technical department has managed to extract restore and digitise nearly everything!Now all those memories are available to the whole family to share on whatsapp and stream on our TV whenever they come round! Love it.

Long ago cherished memories

The items we sent to be converted from VHS tapes to DVD's, an Audio tape cassette to CD and negatives and slides to a memory stick were excellently done. Everyone who has seen and heard the finished articles has been very impressed. Excellent value for money and has been recommended several times. The items we sent to be converted from VHS tapes to DVD's, an Audio tape cassette to CD and negatives and slides to a memory stick were excellently done. Everyone... The items we sent to be converted from VHS tapes to DVD's, an Audio tape cassette to CD and negatives and slides to a memory stick were excellently done. Everyone who has seen and heard the finished articles has been very impressed. Excellent value for money and has been recommended several times.

Excellent service

It is very easy to place an order as everything is organised by EachMoment. I ordered the digitisation of a large quantity of old Super 8 Cine film, Video 8 tapes, VHS tapes and photographic negatives. The process took about 3 weeks due to the quantity but it was well worth waiting for. I was absolutely delighted by the results and I feel reconnected with my past and people who were in my life as far back as the early 1950s. Incredible ! It is very easy to place an order as everything is organised by EachMoment. I ordered the digitisation of a large quantity of old Super 8 Cine film, Video 8... It is very easy to place an order as everything is organised by EachMoment. I ordered the digitisation of a large quantity of old Super 8 Cine film, Video 8 tapes, VHS tapes and photographic negatives. The process took about 3 weeks due to the quantity but it was well worth waiting for. I was absolutely delighted by the results and I feel reconnected with my past and people who were in my life as far back as the early 1950s. Incredible !


I sent in a large number of old slides and video tapes to be digitised some of which were in very poor condition. Each Moment did a fantastic job of capturing the images digitally for me. Professional service, friendly helpful staff. Will be using again and would recommend. I sent in a large number of old slides and video tapes to be digitised some of which were in very poor condition. Each Moment did a fantastic job of... I sent in a large number of old slides and video tapes to be digitised some of which were in very poor condition. Each Moment did a fantastic job of capturing the images digitally for me. Professional service, friendly helpful staff. Will be using again and would recommend.

Wonderful service and wonderful results

I bought a mixed box of old tapes and cassettes, some in poor condition and the team at Each Moment worked their magic.I now have many happy memories that would otherwise have been lost.They are a brilliant company, professional and efficient and I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend them, or urge others to salvage memories before their lost! I bought a mixed box of old tapes and cassettes, some in poor condition and the team at Each Moment worked their magic.I now have many happy memories that would... I bought a mixed box of old tapes and cassettes, some in poor condition and the team at Each Moment worked their magic.I now have many happy memories that would otherwise have been lost.They are a brilliant company, professional and efficient and I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend them, or urge others to salvage memories before their lost!

A lot of videocam footage transferred quickly.

I needed to get a lot of videocam cassette footage transferred as a surprise for a 70th birthday at relatively short notice. The team were very helpful when approached and were able to get me online access to the 39 tapes before I received the USBs so I could select specific videos for the party. One tape was also returned and cleaned up very quickly when it was found to have some tracking interference. We now have some great memories restored to share with the family and our grandchildren. I needed to get a lot of videocam cassette footage transferred as a surprise for a 70th birthday at relatively short notice. The team were very helpful when approached and... I needed to get a lot of videocam cassette footage transferred as a surprise for a 70th birthday at relatively short notice. The team were very helpful when approached and were able to get me online access to the 39 tapes before I received the USBs so I could select specific videos for the party. One tape was also returned and cleaned up very quickly when it was found to have some tracking interference. We now have some great memories restored to share with the family and our grandchildren.

  • Korak 1

    📦 Skupite sve vrste starih medija u kutiju sjećanja za praktičnu digitalizaciju.

    📁 Uključeni prilagođeni nazivi datoteka (imenovat ćemo vaše digitalne datoteke prema vašim naslovima i datumima).

    🚚 Uključeno preuzimanje putem UPS-a.

  • Korak 2

    ✨ Uključeno čišćenje i popravak medija.

    🎥 Profesionalna, visokokvalitetna digitalizacija.

    📈 Ažuriranja praćenja projekta.

    ☎️ Ljubazna korisnička služba, javite nam se kad god želite.

  • Korak 3

    ☁️ Spremite u besplatni cloud album, uz mogućnost dodavanja USB-ova i DVD-ova.

    ✅ Plaćate tek kad budete zadovoljni kvalitetom našeg rada.

    ⬜ Prazne stavke će biti refundirane.

Chat s tehničarom

Razgovarajte s nama o svom projektu digitalizacije kako biste odmah dobili ponudu i saznali kako ostvariti naše popuste.

💡 Također nam možete poslati slike svoje zbirke; naši stručnjaci će ih pregledati i pružiti vam povratne informacije.



Restauracija i Digitalizacija Industrijske Kvalitete

Zatražite ponudu

Godinama smo razvijali vodeći proces u industriji za poboljšanje i obnovu kvalitete filmske vrpce—ponekad stare preko 100 godina—s dosljedno izvrsnim rezultatima. Naš usavršeni proces omogućuje nam ponuditi konkurentne cijene kao i digitalizaciju svjetske klase.

  • Cloud-Album

    Opcija Cloud-album omogućava vam pohranu digitaliziranih medija online, pristupanje njima u bilo kojem trenutku i preuzimanje kad god želite.

  • Set DVD-ova

    Opcija DVD omogućava vam reprodukciju vaših uspomena na DVD playeru, računalu ili drugim kompatibilnim uređajima.

  • USB-Classic

    USB Classic je prijenosna opcija za nošenje vaših medija sa sobom ili sigurno pohranjivanje.

  • USB-Premium

    Upakiran u poklon kutiju, naš Premium USB stick savršen je za darivanje ili kao pažljiv način oživljavanja starih uspomena.

"EachMoment je naš prvi izbor za konverziju medija. Njihova usluga preuzimanja na kućnom pragu omogućuje nam brzo i sigurno prikupljanje stare obiteljske povijesti od suradnika za naše dokumentarce. Brzina i kvaliteta uvijek premašuju naša očekivanja, što ih čini vrlo jednostavnima za suradnju."

Vaša pitanja su odgovorena

Kako izgleda cijeli proces od početka do kraja?

U nastavku ćete pronaći cijeli proces od početka do kraja, u svim detaljima!

1. Zatražite svoju besplatnu i neobvezujuću ponudu ili nas kontaktirajte kako bismo vam mogli pomoći.
2. Odaberite želite li primiti svoju besplatnu kutiju za uspomene ili prvo želite razgovarati telefonom kako biste raspravili više detalja.
3. Primiti ćete svoju besplatnu kutiju za uspomene. Možete si uzeti onoliko vremena koliko vam je potrebno za povratak. Također možete promijeniti mišljenje u bilo kojem trenutku. Ako više ne želite koristiti našu uslugu, ne morate vraćati kutiju niti za to plaćati. Kutija je vaša!
4. Stavite stare medije koje želite digitalizirati u kutiju za uspomene. Digitaliziramo sve podvrste videokaseta, audiokaseta, filmova i fotografija.
5. Kada budete spremni, možete svoju kutiju za uspomene odnijeti na UPS mjesto za dostavu ili koristiti naš portal za dogovaranje preuzimanja putem UPS-a. Ako želite, možete i sami organizirati dostavu.
6. Primamo vašu kutiju za uspomene u našem laboratoriju. Naš logistički tim obavlja inventuru vaših predmeta. Ako ima posebnosti, nazvat ćemo vas ili vam poslati e-mail kako bismo ažurirali vašu ponudu.
7. Vaši predmeti se provjeravaju na oštećenja, plijesan i prašinu. Ako ih treba popraviti ili očistiti, to će biti učinjeno bez dodatnih troškova za vas.
8. Vaš materijal digitalizira naš tehnički tim koristeći posebnu tehnologiju. Ako želite saznati više o našim postupcima za svaku vrstu medija, pročitajte odjeljak "Što obrađujemo" u glavnom izborniku.
9. Vaše digitalizirane uspomene bit će učitane u vaš besplatni online album. Poslat ćemo vam link na album kako biste mogli provjeriti kvalitetu. Ako niste zadovoljni bilo kojim aspektom digitalizacije, učinit ćemo sve da budete zadovoljni.
10. Ako ste zadovoljni rezultatima, možete odabrati želite li pohraniti svoje uspomene na USB sticku ili DVD-ima. Također se možete odlučiti samo za besplatni online album.
11. Nakon što su svi prijenosi u odabrane izlazne formate dovršeni, poslat ćemo vam online račun. Koristimo široko priznatu uslugu Stripe za olakšavanje ove uplate.
12. UPS će sigurno transportirati vašu kutiju za uspomene natrag do vašeg doma. U njoj će biti vaši originalni mediji i vaše nove digitalne uspomene.
13. Sada je vrijeme da okupite obitelj za filmsku večer s uspomenama! Smijte se i plačite dok zajedno oživljavate stara vremena.
14. Naš ljubazni i profesionalni tim za korisničku podršku stoji vam na raspolaganju tijekom cijelog procesa.

Što mogu digitalizirati?

U nastavku se nalazi popis medija koje često digitaliziramo. Ako ne pronađete svoju vrstu medija ovdje, molimo vas da nas kontaktirate jer ga vjerojatno možemo digitalizirati.

Video kasete
- Mini DV
- Hi8
- Digital8
- Video8
- Umatic
- Micro MV
- Betamax
- Betacam

- Super 8
- 8mm
- 9.5mm
- 16mm
- 35mm

Audio kasete
- Kasete
- Zvučne vrpce
- Mikro kasete
- Mini kasete
- DAT vrpce

- Dijapozitivi
- Otisci
- Negativi
- Stakleni negativi
- Foto albumi

- CD
- Mini diskovi
- Blu-ray

Što je kutija za uspomene?

Kutija za uspomene je ojačana, neprobojna kutija dizajnirana za sigurno čuvanje vaših medija tijekom transporta.

Ako želite besplatno preuzimanje putem UPS-a, možete zatražiti besplatnu kutiju za uspomene prilikom primanja ponude.

Zatražiti svoju besplatnu kutiju za uspomene je potpuno neobvezujuće. Ako se odlučite protiv digitalizacije, ne morate vraćati kutiju i nećemo vam naplatiti ništa.

Kako se pohranjuju digitalizirane uspomene?

Imate 4 opcije. Jamčimo da će bilo koja opcija biti dovoljna za pokrivanje cijele vaše narudžbe.

  • Cloud album – Ovo je uključeno po defaultu s svakom narudžbom. Olakšava dijeljenje vaših uspomena s vašim najdražima, bez obzira gdje se nalaze u svijetu.
  • USB Classic – Najpopularniji izbor za fizički format pohrane.
  • USB Premium – Digitalne uspomene su divan poklon. Ovaj prekrasni USB je savršen način za darivanje.
  • DVD-ovi – Jednostavan izbor za one koji imaju DVD player.

Mogu li imenovati i datirati svoje digitalne datoteke?

Da! Uključujemo kompletan sustav katalogizacije u vašu kutiju za uspomene, koji vam omogućuje da nam kažete kako da imenujemo sve vaše nove digitalne datoteke i mape.

Koliko USB-ova, DVD-ova ili cloud albuma trebam?

Vaš besplatni cloud album će sadržavati cijelu vašu narudžbu. Imate mogućnost dodati USB-ove ili setove DVD-ova svojoj narudžbi. Trebate samo jedan od njih za pohranu cijele narudžbe, ali možete naručiti više. USB Premium je popularan izbor za darivanje.

Nisam siguran što je na mojim medijima. Trebam li ih ipak staviti u kutiju za uspomene?

Možda ne znate je li vaš predmet prazan ili ne. Ako se ispostavi da je prazan, vratit ćemo vam cijenu za taj predmet.

Mogu li imenovati i datirati svoje digitalne datoteke?

Da! Poslat ćemo vam kompletan sustav katalogizacije u vašu kutiju za uspomene, koji vam omogućuje da nam kažete kako da imenujemo sve vaše nove digitalne datoteke i mape.

Moji mediji su oštećeni, pljesnivi itd. Možete li to popraviti?

Ako primimo predmet u lošem stanju, očistit ćemo ga i popraviti bez dodatnih troškova.

Ako se predmet ne može dovesti u stanje u kojem se može digitalizirati, vratit ćemo vam novac za taj predmet.

Koliko traje digitalizacija mojih starih medija?

Prosječno vrijeme obrade tijekom svih godina našeg poslovanja je 3-4 tjedna, ali može varirati.

Voditelj laboratorija redovito ažurira vrijeme obrade ovdje: Prosječno vrijeme obrade je 1 tjedan.

Možete nas također nazvati, poslati e-mail ili s nama razgovarati kako biste saznali trenutno vrijeme obrade.

Ne vidite svoje pitanje?

Ovdje smo da vam pomognemo